My Eth Wallet Zero Balance

Hey guys,

I have kept my coins on MyEthwallet for over a year via My Trezor.

Ever since MyEthWallet have updated their site I am getting a Zero balance - only on ETC - not on any other coin. I have updated the Trezor and still no balance.

Ether scan(etc) is confirming that my ETC address still has the same balance so all must be good but MEW is not showing it !

Can any of you guys help me out?

Thanks dude. Glad to be on board. :wink:

SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME! Yes Etherscan shows only deposits nothing sent out?? If it was hacked would it show going out also??

Did you get any answers? i DID NOTICE THERE WERE SEVERAL ADDED MORE DIGITS to the original address though. Now that i went back its the same number of digits! Shoot my printscreen also disappeared to show this

I have a printscreen from maybe 1 yr ago showing the balance…!! … oh oh i read there was a 51% attack in Jan… Does that mean we could lose our coins? IS that what happened???