Mistake deposit to Eidoo wallet can i undo?

Transaction 0x6364c14449on Ethereum Classic
Transaction Details
Feb 13, 2018 7:54 PM
1.0400 Ether

1040000000000000000 Wei



You cannot undo transactions @preddy1980 but you can send them back.

They are retrievable since you sent it to a wallet that has a private key, I had similar problem and was able to save over 50 etc.

You can retrieve Eidoo’s private key using the backup phrase (12 words) through an external tool. Follow the directions below:

Connect to https://iancoleman.github.io/bip39/ (for greater security the tool also works with the computer off-line)

In the Mnemonic section type the 12 words in the BIP39 Mnemonic field and set the Coin field to ETH-Ethereum

In the Derivation Path section choose the BIP32 tab and set the BIP32 Derivation Path field with this value: m/44’/60’/0

Check that all data you entered is correct and moved down in the Derived Addresses section

Your private key is the one you find in the first line of the table, under the Private Key column.

Ok I have followed the steps but how do I know retrieve the funds?

My man you are a legend thank you so much!!!
Owe you one

Np. You can access your wallet from myetherwallet.com.

On MyEtherWallet, first change the network from “ETH” to “Network ETC (epool.io)” and then go to the tab “Send Ether & Tokens”. One of the options for loading a wallet is “Private Key”. Click this and paste your unencrypted private key. You will now be able to view your funds and send them to a different desired address.

You may meed to have a miniscule amount of ETH (to act as gas for the transactiom) in your Eidoo wallet so you can send the ETC out