Long Time Follower, First Time Poster

ETC Community,

I just wanted to introduce myself. I am fairly new to crypto. I remember the day I came home from work (May 2014) and tried to explain my brief understanding of Ethereum to my family over the family meal. I read a Coindesk article at work about the upcoming Ethereum ICO. I had been following BTC from my cube world since 2010 and always found it fascinating but we never had any liquid funds to re-appropriate to risky investments (I had previously invested my rollover 401K into Uranium One, which at one point doubled only to watch it go all the we down to literally nada. Come to find out Uranium One’s demise was related to crooked politicians domestically and in the Far East.)
The Ethereum whitepaper mentioned the blockchain was immutable so I was excited to be part of some new cool tech that could not be touched and manipulated by the crooked white shoe boys of wallstreet nor the phat cat carpet bagger politicians. So we dove in with my meager bonus (after taxes and bills) and bought our first crypto, BTC to contribute to Ethereum’s ICO. Life took a turn with $115/barrel oil and we were off to oil country. We headed back home in 2016 and dug out the Ethereum ICO .Jason files. It was cool, ETH was like 4$. So my wife setup an exchange account so the funds would be safer there (noobie!), and so we watched the price grow. Then I stumbled across Slock.it and was like TheDAO will be awesome. Yup fell for it again, hook, line sinker. Tual just looked so smart why not trust him? Anyways 100% dive into TheDAO, like Vegas, go large or stay home. So life was good in April, May, June … then ugh. No way! Well the Ethereum Foundation guys like Gavin are cool smart cats. They will have a way through all the code to maintain principles and make it work (In my line of work computer scientists were able to make jumbled up Fortran code from Westinghouse work so these young Bitcoiner kids can beat this no problem). As the weeks wore on and ETH price dropped I figured a fork was out of the question so it would be best to jump ship with what value we had left and move on. Then in July-the fork occurred. What a dose of reality that was, these young punk idealists were just like the wallstreet white shoe boys and the phat cat carpet bagger politicians, liars and thieves.

So now to the point, it was, is and will be to beat these liars and cheats. We have dug in as a family, each one to their skill set and abilities to perform research, tend to the miners, and day trading. It was crazy in late '16 to late '17. All we do is crypto. Friends and family are too hard to entertain since they have no clue what we are obsessed about. We want to be “even” as if we had stayed in ETH and received back our full ETH and matching ETC. So now, day and night we dig-trying to learn as much as we can as fast as we can. I quit my job in Jan '18 since I needed more time to dedicate. We are close but not yet at “parity” value.
So my offer to the ETC community is, I want to work for us. I want to dedicate my waking passion to this team. I do not want to be a spectator any longer but I want to give back to the community as much time as they want to take. We have been here since the beginning for the Real Ethereum and do not plan to leave.

I can offer all the hardware, network and electrical knowledge I have and can muster what may be required to run the ETC network, its’ support systems and its associated dApps.

Available Intermediate Skills/Familiarity:
Assembly Language
DOS Debugger
Math Lab
Owl’s Cybersecurity DARKINT tools
Data-Diode setup and configuration

Available Expert Skills/Familiarity :
Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls and Automation Design Engineering
Mechanical, Electrical and Network setup and configuration of industrial plants
HVAC Automation and balancing
21 yrs of experience in DoD, DoE, Commercial Nuclear, Industrial HVAC, Oil & Gas, Functional Safety Engineering of Safety Class Systems and Construction
Documentation Review
Configuration Management Control
Test Tract Pro, Seapine Software
Allen Bradely PLC
RTP NetArrays
Triconex TriStation 1131
SPI INtools
BACnet protocol systems
MS and Linux OS
Microsoft Suite
Cisco IOS
Garrettcom MNS-6K interfaces
Server/Raid Storage Configuration (SUN, IBM, HP, Dell)
Waterfall Unidirectional Security Gateway

If it is not listed then I may still have come across it in my diverse work history. Please reach out and assign me a task to complete.

Thank you ETC Community,



Welcome on board and thank you for your willingness to contribute to the community))

welcome dude!!! :slight_smile: i were same young rebel punk…anarchopunk! XDXD

Great to have you here! I’ve seen you on the Discord :wave:
Explaining new technology never goes over well with family. :laughing: