How to create a token and ICO

We recently published a step by step guide on our forum for creating a token and ICO. Thought it might interest some of you.

I also wrote a blog article about why we believe creating more dApps & tokens will be beneficial for the whole ETC community, we are happy to support any development where we can and will definitely be able to list new tokens on our exchange Radex.



Quite a few projects have been launched! Great to see, hopefully we will soon have some more tokens to list on Radex Classic :slight_smile:

Hello everyone!

Just thought I would bump this topic as there is some outdated information and we now have several tools available on ETC that can help developers get their projects off the ground :slight_smile:

  • There is now a video version of this tutorial on youtube:
  • Saturn Network is now live and supports automated token self-listing, this means you can give your growing community a place to trade your token safely. Or alternatively as we have seen many projects doing, you could skip the ICO part completely & raise development funds via “market” by simply listing your tokens on the decentralized exchange.
  • Saturn Wallet has full token support & allows you to upload your token’s logo for display, along with your project’s website. Simply follow the steps here on our github.
  • Saturn’s API can be used to develop your own widgets to track your token, or alternatively you can easily integrate your token into Coinpaprika, CoinGecko, Delta or Blockfolio. (Saturn Network is listed on all these price tracking sites so you just have to fill in their Add forms.)
  • If you have a telegram group, consider calling @SaturnDAOBot who can generate price charts and updates about any token being traded on the exchange.
  • If you are running a bounty campaign or planning an airdrop, we have developed an airdrop management tool to make this extremely easy and stress free!

Before anything though, I recommend you really put some thought into your token & crowdsale. Preparation is key! I have wrote a couple of blog posts recently that should help you start thinking:

Deploying a token is a lot of fun and a great way to start learning Solidity, but if you want your ICO to be a success then always plan first!

Well @Crypto_Angle all the content I have posted above is about creating & starting your own token sale, not about investing in an ICO :wink: try to read before spamming my friend.

Another idea for any projects looking to start a token sale on ETC to help fund their development requirements is to use Saturn as a decentralized initial exchange offering:

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Good information. Create ERC20 standard token for your ICO with customized features from icoclone . com

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