Hi from ExchangeRates.Pro - price comparison of ETC & 33 cryptos in 255 countries

Hello everyone from ExchangeRates.Pro team! Hope the ETC community would like our service :grinning:

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Hi guys and gals from ExchangeRates.Pro and welcome!
Thanks for listing ETC on your comparison list. With reading your information about ETC on about the coin, I have a question: You are writting “… The original software was first released July 21st, 2019. …”. To which software are you refering to? 2019?

Thanks and have a nice day.

regards :wink:


Oh really! :grinning: Thanks for noticing, fixed, we meant of course the ETC release… but some sort of typo or something happened :sweat_smile:


Pretty nice and wide list of cryptos to choose from…