2Miners ETC Mining Pool

Hello and Welcome to 2Miners mining pools.
There are both PPLNS and SOLO mining pools. PPLNS is the fairest reward system on the market loved by miners all over the World. The PPLNS pool fee is 1%.
SOLO mining pools give the freedom to big miners and for those who want to test their luck. These unique pools have a 1.5% pool fee, but all the block reward goes to the miner who finds the block.

2Miners dedicated servers located in a data center in Europe have DDOS protection and an uptime up to 100%.


I’m sort of new still when it comes to mining but looking at the hashpower here:

Doesnt that mean that with so low hashrate this pool will rarely get any block? But on the other hand if/when it does get a block the reward should be higher due to fewer people. But you can never know how lucky the pool members are.
Is my reasoning correct?
Right now i’m mining at ethermine.org and get around 0.6 ETC a day.